i wanna job! i want money for weekends! i want something to do, not being terperap kat umah je... chez moi is soooo boring now, i constantly go out (if pitis allows) n in order to get pitis, u mintak FaMa... not forever, obviously...
so last nite, in progress of searching d birthday presents for my 4 year old cuz, my father saw a 'job vacancy for customer assistant' at MPH midval... seeing as how illya n kambing (my dormmate) have jobs, its hightime i got myself a respectable job, n mph presented that oppportuinity... my mom said ok, my father suggested i get my nose in, so everythings ok, n the interview is tomorrow (aku nak sampai sane time midval memule bukak) n bring ape2 patot so i can clinch it... kalu tak dapat, eragon will be waiting upstairs at GSC cinema...
i'm thinking of bringing someone who already has a job to teman me, kambing takleh, aku takde nombor die... illya can, but i need to ask her out, maybe blanja her in the process... well, i'm definitely not going alone!!
its not (really) actually abot the money... ntahlah... aku tengok sume org keje/plkn, terase berkenan pulak... haih...
anyway, thats my cuz atas tue.. anak pakcu aku (yang threaten aku tuh) she's 4 today, n tadi gi umah die makan nasik ayam, mak die masak... well, blog readers, aku nak apply keje esok! wish me luck, hope not too nervous lah tomorrow!!!
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